פרטים חדשים בפרשת האונס בו הואשם שחקן הלוס אנג'לס לייקרס, קובי בראיינט, נחשפו בסוף השבוע עם פרסום מסמכים ראשונים מהחקירה. על פי הפרטים, המתייחסים בעיקר לעדות הנערה בחקירה כיממה לאחר המקרה, היא סיפרה כי למרות שאמרה 'לא' בבירור במהלך המפגש ביניהם, בראיינט התעלם מבקשותיה להפסיק. הנערה טענה שלא היה לה ספק שהוא שמע אותה, כי "בכל פעם שאמרתי 'לא', הוא הידק את אחיזתו בי". האישום הפלילי נגד בראיינט בוטל בחודש שעבר ערב פתיחת המשפט, לאחר שהבחורה חזרה בה מכוונתה לעלות על דכון העדים. בקרוב צפוי להיפתח משפט אזרחי בעקבות תביעה של הנערה לפיצוי בגין אותה האשמה.
עוד על פי עדותה של הנערה, שהייתה אז בת 19, בראיינט נישק אותה מספר פעמים לפני שהפך להיות אגרסיבי ולמשש אותה. הוא שם את ידיו על צווארה, כופף אותה מעל כסא והפשיל את תחתוניה ביד אחת. "בנקודה הזו הייתי פושט מפוחדת וצעקתי 'לא' מספר פעמים" - מסרה הנערה בעדותה. יחד עם זאת, הודתה הנערה כי היא פלירטטה אתו מוקדם יותר לפני ועם הגיעה לחדרו, וכי הייתה מעוניינת שיעשה צעד בכיוונה, אך לא התכוונה לעשות איתו סקס.
בראיינט, על פי המסמכים, מסר לחוקרים כי הנערה לא בכתה לרגע, ואף אמרה לו שהיא מקווה שהוא יעשה איתה סקס. קובי חזר ואמר לחוקרים כי הסקס עם הנערה היה בהסכמה, והיא אף נישקה אותו נשיקת פרידה. עם היוודע ההאשמה, העידו החוקרים, שאל בראיינט כמה פעמים האם היא ביקשה כסף.
החקירה, קטעים נבחרים
Detective Doug Winters: Okay. Um, what happened after the kissing, then?
Accuser: He started, um, groping me, I guess I'd say.
Detective Winters: What do you mean by groping?
Accuser: Putting his hands on me, grabbing my butt, my chest. Trying to lift up my skirt. Proceeded to take off his own pants. Trying to grab my hand and make me touch him.
Winters: Okay. Um, were you clothed during this whole time?
Accuser: Yes.
Winters: Okay. When you say he was grabbing your butt and chest, was he, so he was actually doing that, he was grabbing you? And what were you telling him during all this?
Accuser: That I need ...
Winters: Or did you tell him anything?
Accuser: I told him once that I needed to leave.
Winters: What did he, what was his response?
Accuser: He didn't say anything.
Winters: Did he hear you?
Accuser: If he did, he didn't make any gestures or anything that would let me know that he did.
Winters: Okay. Did you ever tell him anything else?
Accuser: No, because when he took off his pants that's when I started to kinda back up, and try to push his hands off me and that's when he started to choke me. He wasn't choking me enough that I couldn't breathe, just choking me up to the point that I was scared.
Winters: Okay. Um, when he was grabbing your butt and chest and groping you, um, you said you were clothed?
Accuser: Mm hmm.
Winters: Where was that happening? Over your clothing, under your clothing?
Accuser: Over, and he kept trying to put his hands under my skirt.
Winters: Did he?
Accuser: Yes.
Winters: And what happened there?
Accuser: He continued to touch me.
Winters: Where did he touch you?
Accuser: Everywhere he could.
Winters: Okay. This is where, this is hard, you're doing a great job, okay. You're doing fine, okay. But I need you to describe for me what, where he was touching.
Accuser: Um, outside of my underwear. ... It was just touching, I guess.
Winters:Okay. The front or back side?
Accuser: Both.
Winters: Okay. What was he doing? As far as when you say he's touching you, what, what do you mean by that?
Accuser: Grabbing and rubbing and ...
Winters: He is, so he's in between you and the door?
Accuser: He has his back to the door and I'm standing in front of him.
Winters: Okay. Then what happened?
Accuser: I try and walk to the side, and he would walk to the side with me.
Winters: Okay.
Accuser: And that's when he started to put his hands on my neck.
Winters: Okay. Um, was that during the groping, or?
Accuser: That was after.
Winters: Okay. So after the groping. So he, he was choking you at one time and then he let go at some point?
Accuser: He was groping me. I tried to leave, tried to break away. That's when he grabbed my neck.
Winters: Okay.
Accuser: And at that point I was just looking at him, didn't know what to do, didn't know what to say.
Winters: Okay.
Accuser: Then he held me by my neck and physically forced me over to the side of the couch, or to the side of the two chairs, and that's when he turned my back to him and ...
Winters: When you said that he, he was choking you and had his hands around your neck, just so I understand, I may be confused. When you're trying to go from one side to the next, is he continuing on choking you at this point also?
Accuser: I wouldn't say he was choking me - I could breathe - but he had his hands tight enough around my neck so that I thought he would choke me.
Winters: Okay. So he was controlling your movements?
Accuser: Yes.
Winters: Okay. So, and then what happened?
Accuser: That's when he continually had one hand around my neck and with his other hand pushed me over to the side of the two chairs, um, turned me around and bent me over and lifted up my skirt.
Winters: Okay. Um, so now you're at, you're over where the chairs are.
Accuser: Still in the living room, just over by the side of the chairs. Away from the table.
Winters: Are you telling him anything at this point, now?
Accuser: At that point I was just kinda scared and I said no a few times.
Winters: Okay. When you said no, were you bent over when you were saying no?
Accuser: Yeah, when he lifted up my skirt. I said no when he took off my underwear.
Winters: How loud did you say no?
Accuser: As loud as I'm saying it now.
Winters: Did he hear you?
Accuser: Yes. He did.
Winters: How do you know he heard you?
Accuser: Because every time I said no, he tightened his hold around me.
Winters: Okay. But he has you bent over. How is he holding your neck?
Accuser: Like this. And then he would lean his face real close to me and ask me questions.
Winters: What would he ask you?
Accuser: You're not going to tell anybody, right?
Winters: What did you say?
Accuser: I said no. And he didn't hear me, or asked me to say it louder. Wanted me to turn around and look at him while I said it.
Winters: How many times did he ask you that?
Accuser: Three or four.
Winters: Okay. Um, had you led him on